Camille is such a big girl- and a quite the happy baby these days! She is smiling all the time, but of course not for the camera :) She also has a little "coo" that is precious. Mornings are her favorite time. She doesn't like to sleep past 6am these days, but is content just laying in her crib or on our bed until we finish getting ready. Like her cousin Bryce, she LOVES her changing table. We think its because she is close to our level and can stretch out too. She has been battling yet another cold, but seems to be dealing with it better than the first time. It helps that she usually likes her nose bulb :) She also has figured out how to scoot herself up and down. She moves her little legs like a frog and pushes herself. It has become quite challenging to bathe and change her diaper b/c she likes to continuously "reposition." Mrs. Ruth says that she does the same thing at daycare and they have to keep one arm on her when changing her :) It is very hard to believe that three months have already gone by, but this is a fun stage! We are still waiting for that sleeping through the night, but she will sleep until 3am and then until 6am, so its not too bad!