We had a great Easter weekend! The Easter Bunny didn't make a stop at our house this year, but the Easter Bunny's parents did :) We had a warm weekend full of outdoor meals and strolls! Camille seems to love the outdoors! If the pollen weren't so bad, we would have been out even more.
Camille wore a precious pink smock dress for Easter. We took her to church and she slept through the entire service! We managed to take this picture before we headed to church- the wind was blowing and it was a challenge to get Camille to sit up and look at the camera :) She was precious though!
We have hit some more milestones with Camille over the weekend and week too. She has hit another growth spurt! She is now drinking 6oz at each feeding and up to 7oz before bed! She is getting some more leg rolls to show for it :) She has also decided to not use her sleep positioner at night. I say "she decided" because over the weekend, I discovered her on one end of the crib and the sleep positioner at the other. Don't know how she managed that, but I will take it as her final sign to us to not put her in it anymore :)
The biggest milestone yet- Rolling Over!!! Yep, she officially rolled over on her own last night. She has been showing us for a couple of weeks now that she was close.... Last night I was cooking dinner and had her in her "jungle" play mat. She was making all kinds of noices like normal and then suddenly the noices turned into grunts. I turned to look- she was on her belly looking up at me! I was shocked- how had I missed this! I decided to flip her back over on her back to make sure it wasn't a fluke :) Well she quickly went from her back, to her side, to her belly, in a matter of seconds. I gave her lots of praise and she sure had a look on her face like she knew she had impressed me :) She was too tired to show Nick when he got home, but we know its do-able now :) Camille may still prefer to do her tricks in private for now.... Shows how quickly you can miss something!