Aug 13, 2009

It's a Girl!!!

Nick and I were thrilled to find out that our lil baby is a girl! Let's hope she is just like her mom! :)

We had such an exciting appointment and ultrasound. Our lil girl was moving all around, giving us great views for 100% confirmation of the gender :) She was rolling over, waving, and in quite the limber position as you can see in the picture! She is giving a whole new meaning to fetal position!

We are still on track for the due date- she weighed about 11oz (better than average) and still had that strong heartbeat... The technician kept saying "beautiful, just beautiful." We were very proud parents to be!

I checked out fine too :) Great blood pressure and weight... even though it is quite hard seeing the numbers on the scale keep going up! I have gained 4-5 lbs since my last visit...... Yikes! Guess I have to get used to this.

So... all anxiety aside now.... we can now call our baby a "she" until we come up with a name! Now on to the nursery planning.... :)

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