Sep 15, 2009

25 Week Belly

Another belly pic... I am amazed at how much this belly can grow overnight!! I might have the Morgan experience of a very watermelon shaped belly earlier on in my pregnancy. I have had a few people ask "How soon are you due?" and "Are you sure there is just one in there?" They seem a little shocked that I still have until end of December!
p.s. Yes, Mom and Jeannine- I am wearing the dress you got me in this pic :)


  1. Yup, it must be in the genes. You are looking quite pregnant and quite adorable! In a couple of months you'll look back at this picture and think your belly was so small. :)

  2. Yikes! Think this is small? Great... well maybe I can go ahead and dress up as Santa for Halloween :(

  3. Your belly can be a pumpkin for Halloween! ;)
