Oct 5, 2011

Jess Gets Married!

Nick and I got to spend the past weekend in Bald Head Island, NC for Jess & William's wedding. We had very warm weather for the festivities on Thursday & Friday.. and then the cold front came in for Saturday & Sunday. Us bridesmaids were a bit chilly in our short dresses for the outdoor ceremony. We had a fabulous time, especially since we rented a 4bdrm house to share with some of our favorite couples :) We didn't stop laughing most of the time. Jess and her family kept us busy with lots of events the whole weekend which were all so beautiful.

Here is a pic from the rehearsal dinner. We started outdoors overlooking the golf course, but had to move inside after dinner as a storm was coming through. The band had to leave, but we made our own fun indoors.

The wedding day started with a little drama as I awoke with pink eye!! We pinpointed it back to Camille who also had it back home. Love those kiddie germs. I spent most of the morning figuring out how I was going to get treated without Jess knowing. That was impossible, as her dad was the only doctor on the island. Ha! Lucky for me, he quickly called in a prescription to be delivered on the ferry prior to the wedding. I sent Nick on a wild goose chase to get the medicine since I had bridesmaid responsibilities. Little did I know it would be that wild of a goose chase. Turns out the medicine didn't make it off the 3pm ferry due to someone flat lining and having to be rushed back into Southport. Nick had to go back to the ferry at 4:30pm and hope it was there in time for the 5pm wedding!! And all this racing back and forth was on a golfcart mind you... so much slower. Nick got the medicine to me as we were headed down the stairs and to the aisle for our walk :) Saved! Poor Sterling had to squeeze the drops in my eye all while trying to get ready to walk down the aisle... my makeup was running, but I figured tears would be falling anyway... why not let people think they started early :)
Here are some pictures of us gals before and at the wedding. Sorry, I don't have any with Jess in them. She was a GORGEOUS bride though. Her dad even told her that she looked like her mom on their wedding day :) So sweet.

The best part was the wedding reception for sure. The band was awesome: Legends of Beach Music. The lead singer was one of the original Embers. They were the best I have heard! We danced the night away. A great touch to the evening- Jess gave everyone some sunglasses to where- made for great fun and great pictures!
We hated to leave the fun behind, but were ready to scoop up Camille for lots of hugs & kisses upon our return home.

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