Feb 17, 2011

15 Months Old

Camille turned 15 months old today!! I guess I have to start referring to her as a toddler instead of a baby :(

She had a checkup at the doctor today which went very well. She weighs 21 lbs 2oz (25th percentile). Her height is 29 1/4" (20th percentile) and her head circumference is 18 1/2" (78th percentile). So she has had a little growth spurt to get her up in the percentiles! She did get 3 shots while there- DTaP, Hib, & Pneumococcal so of course there was crying. The nurse gave her a puppy dog sticker to help her to feel better- Camille threw it back at her. Luckily, I was prepared with some goldfish to snack on. She quickly forgot about the tears.

Camille can be so quiet with people she doesn't see often. I wouldn't call it shy, b/c she doesn't hide or get upset, she just won't say anything. So Camille waited until we had gotten back in the car to start her talking and waving bye bye. She is quite the entertainer and has a great sense of humor already.

Camille's new things this month are defnitely words. She is more focused on watching people's mouths as they talk and then tries to make the same sounds. Her words this month are "uh-oh" and "ball." She still loves to say "bye bye" and "da-da." She will tell me "hot" sometimes when I am blowing on her oatmeal and we think her "side" means outside. Camille knows her no's and yes' already too.... she will quickly shake her head in answer to a question. Usually its always a "yes" nod for anything regarding food and a "no" nod for everything else. She is getting so much more fun to play with b/c she really interacts and entertains. Her favorite toys this month are her kitchen (especially the spoons) and her baby doll. The funniest thing she does is what we call her mean face. She was in trouble one day and I gave her my mean look and she did it right back to me. So much for that intimidation. So now, we say, "mean face!" and she squints her eyes and gives you "the look." She also seems to understand everything we tell her these days...... some examples of things I tell her & she responds to: put it in the trash, go to your room, go upstairs, go outside, bath time, bring me the baby, etc...... very fun! She is still very loving which is so cute. She will just give me a hug or want to be held at random times and she loves to come sit in our laps if we are sitting on the floor. When she gets super excited she will run and give us a big squeeze :) Precious!

Feb 14, 2011

Happy Valentine's Day!

Camille had a fun filled day at school today celebrating Valentine's Day. She came home with lots of sweet cards from her friends :) She even got a suprise this morning when her buddy Corey hand delivered his Valentine card to her- it was a picture of the two of them :) So sweet!

Here are some pictures I took when we got home from school today. Daddy was grilling our Valentine's Day dinner while Camille & I played.

Camille enjoyed watching Daddy from the door as he grilled.

Camille got to enjoy a yummy Valentine's meal of squash, zucchini, potatoes, & banana- her favs!

She even got a special Valentine's treat- M&M's :)

Hard to believe this little sweetie turns 15 months old this week!!

Feb 5, 2011

Bye Bye ACL

So after many weeks of waiting to figure out what is wrong with my knee.... I finally got some results on Friday. The doctor suspected early on that it was ACL related, but I had to get an MRI to know for sure. Well, the doc was right... unfortunately :) Turns out my ACL is completely torn. The good news of that is that no other ligaments are injured. Usually with ACL injuries, there is also damage to the meniscus or the posterior cruciate ligament. I do have some bad bone bruising, but that will heal over time.

So, I will be needing surgery to reconstruct my ACL. Luckily, I'm not in any pain and can get around well for the most part- so there is no rush on the surgery. They do require pre-op physical therapy, which I will start this month. The crazy thing is that they want you going into surgery feeling as if you don't need it. Weird, huh? They said that the closer they can get my knee to full motion now, the easier my recovery will be after the surgery.
There are different options to consider with the ACL recontruction- mainly what tissue I want to use to reconstruct it- my own, a donor's, or a combo of both. There are of course pros and cons to each method, but the doctor has been very helpful in letting me know what those are.
The surgery should only have me out of pocket for about 2 weeks, after that, I will be able to get around on crutches until about week 6. By week 8, I should be close to feeling 100% for day to day activities. It usually takes 3-5 months to be ready to be "active" again with running, etc. The skiing, hiking, etc should be possible around month 9- which I am fine to give that lots more time! :)

So, we'll keep you posted on things. Right now we are just going to play things by ear and see how the physical therapy goes before we start deciding on when to do surgery.

I'm sure Camille is counting down until mommy can run around with her again.... :)