Oct 29, 2010

Wilkesboro Visit

The three of us went up to Wilkesboro this past weekend to visit the family and celebrate my dad's birthday. We had a great time and had wonderful weather. On Saturday, we decided to take advantage of the warm October day, so we headed to the park to entertain Camille. This was her first time in a swing by herself. I know, I know, how can a child have gone 11 months without swinging? Well, this summer has just been too hot to get out and enjoy a day at the park. So luckily, Camille was deprived no longer :) She LOVED swinging! She was full of smiles as we pushed her.
I'm not sure why my pictures are still loading sideways. (anyone know?)

Anyways, after the swinging we decided to see if the ducks were still out and about. They weren't, but the turtles were. I don't think Camille could really get a good view of them, but she just loved being outdoors.

Camille discovered a new game at Gran's house..... pull out all the kleenex one by one and then roll around in the mess :)

Oct 20, 2010

11 Months Old

11 months sure did sneak right up on us! We did get to celebrate her 11mth bday and Nick's bday on Sunday with Nick's family. Camille enjoyed seeing her cousins Emily, Jacob, and Lucas. Lucas has grown so much since we last saw him and is only about 2lbs away from Camille!!
Camille is a pro at pulling herself up these days. She is always waiting at the end of her crib, by the door, each morning when she wakes up. She just stands and talks to the door until I go in and get her. It is quite precious. Camille is no longer interested in anything but standing... she pulls up any chance she gets, especially on mommy's legs. She hasn't tried to take any steps yet, but I'm sure she is close. When she is standing, she will occasionally let go, but as soon as she realizes she is on her own- down she goes!

She is still quite clingy to mommy, but enjoys when daddy flies her around the house like supergirl. The funniest thing at this stage is probably her appetite. That girl can eat!! Just when we think she can't eat anymore- she finds some way to set a record :) We just don't know where it all goes. 

She is still loving school and her teachers and is now eating some food out of their cafeteria/kitchen. What a big girl! :)

Oct 15, 2010

Fall is here!!

It is hard to get into the Fall spirit with all this 80+ degree weather we have been having. Despite the heat, we decided to take Camille to pick out some pumpkins last weekend. It is a tradition to go to Ken's Produce in Garner aka Home of Ken's Korny Korn Maze :) We got a big wheeled cart to load our pumpkins on (and to tote Camille in). She was very interested in everything- taking it all in- loving her little buggy ride. (Not sure why the picture is loading sideways.)

We decided to pick out 3 pumpkins- 1 for each of us. Camille was enjoying our selection and especially liked beating on the pumpkins as if they were her personal drum set.
We tried to pose Camille for mini pumpkin patch photo session, but she wasn't very into it. She especially disliked the straw on her feet. What a girly girl!
As we were checking out, the lady at the counter thought Camille needed a sticker since she had been so well behaved! She felt very proud :)

We did get one family shot in because Camille did not want to sit still for long :)

Luckily, the temperatures have started to drop a bit and feel a little more like fall weather! Camille did get her flu shot today :( It amused me b/c she was in such a good mood on the way to the doctor and even once we got there. She remembered the fish tank and wanted to watch them swim as we waited. She was doing her talking/babbling the whole time even once we got in with the nurse. She was oblivious to why we were there :) As soon as they gave her the shot, she wailed and I mean wailed... and she looked at me as if asking "Why did you bring me here!?" Well she wouldn't stop crying, so the nurse asked if she would like a sticker. She immediately stopped crying and even offered a giggle as she was holding the Dora sticker in her hand. Once I put it on her shirt, she acted as if nothing ever happened.... which was good for me! She continued to babble the whole way back to school. Too funny!

Oct 9, 2010

Our Lil Wolfpacker!

We have finally gotten to enjoy some great Wolfpack wins this football season. Even though Camille doesn't join us for the games, we still feel like its good luck to put her in some NCSU gear :)