May 26, 2010

6 Month Checkup

Camille had her 6mth checkup today. Half a year already! Wow!

Her appointment went great. She weighed in at 13lbs 9oz, so not too much change in the weight department. Still in the 11th percentile on the growth chart. She had grown almost 3 inches though up to 25 1/4 which is in the 25th percentile on the growth chart. Her head circumference grew about an inch too to 16 5/8 inches which is in the 50th percentile on the growth chart. What big brains she must have! The nurse even asked to re-do her measurements for head and length as she said that was a significant change in only 2 months :)

Camille also had to get yet another round of shots... 1 orally and then 3 in the leg.... She screamed bloody murder but was quickly soothed by her bottle :)

Dr. Willey even gave us permission to try to go to the next level of formula, so instead of the alimentum which is fully hypoallergenic, we can try the partically hypoallergenic which is the GentleEase/Sensitive line... and usually $10 less per can!! Woo hoo! We will see how that goes over the next few weeks.

Dr. Willey was VERY impressed by Camille's developmental skills.... She is doing great at grabbing things and being as mobile as she can without being able to crawl. I had expressed concern since Camille hasn't been able to sit up on her own yet. Dr. Willey was convinced that this wasn't for lack of ability, but more for lack of interest. She said her head control and mobility is good enough to be deemed a "sitter" even though she hasn't officially done it. In working with her, Dr. Willey thought Camille definitely could do it if she wanted to. She joked that Camille seemed like she would be crawling before sitting up :)

An update on the teething front- Camille definitely has 2 bottom teeth almost visible at this point. They have broken through the skin, but haven't come up much beyond that. Supposedly the most painful part is breaking through, so glad that is out of the way for this round.

Camille continues to love food... She gets 3 meals a day- 2 of them are cereal based with a fruit or veggie mixed in... and then 1 of just plain veggie or fruit.... She still prefers fruit to veggies, but will eat what is in front of her. She actually loves squash though! Carrots still seem to be the only item that she continues to spit back out at us :)

We just started Camille in her exersaucer and boy does she LOVE that.... she has just gotten brave enough to spin herself around in the chair to get to whichever toy interests her the most at that time.... it is hilarious to watch her.

I hope to take some good pics this weekend of Camille in her first bathing suit for Memorial Day :)

1 comment:

  1. WOW!!! She is getting to be such a big girl! Hope you see you all soon.
