Sep 16, 2010

Princess Camille

Well, we have always thought that Camille was our lil princess, but now she has a throne! :) On Sunday, Nick and his dad moved a old piece of furniture that was Nick's grandfather's to our house. It is a beautiful piece and it reminds us of royalty. We decided that Camille should have some pictures taken on her new throne :)

Camille has had a great week in her new class so far. She even showed Nick & I a new trick last night- getting herself from her crawling position to sitting up! That is big for us! She wouldn't do it a second time, but at least we know she knows how :)

If you can tell in the photos, she has this new "pose" for taking pictures. She tucks her chin in and asks like she has a double chin... very funny!


  1. She is TOO cute and totally looks like a little princess... a mischievous little princess. ;)
