Jan 7, 2011

Camille's New Class

Camille was moved up to the "big girls" class at school this week. We knew the move was coming, but didn't think much of it, since her new teacher & classroom were just next door to where she is used to. She had the opportunity to bond with her new teacher Mrs. Margaret last week when there weren't many kids at school due to the holidays. Camille's new class is still all girls and one of which she new from her infant class.

Mrs. Margaret has sent comments home each day saying what a cutie pie Camille is and how she is such a sweet child. I wish I could take the credit for that, but she was just born that way :) Mrs. Margaret said she knew she would love Camille once she served her her first meal. She was very impressed with Camille's appetite and love of food- she said they had that in common. She loves that she is such a great eater and will try just about anything. Let's hope she keeps that up.

With my injury, Nick has had to take & pick up Camille from school everyday this week. He said one day when he picked her up, she was just walking around from table to table..... She won't do that at home!! So we see she shows off her big girl skills at school and then resorts back to laziness at home :)

We have noticed a complete change in her demeanor this week though! She is super energetic when she gets home & happy as can be. She wants to play up until bedtime and even doesn't act sleepy then either! Her playing is more like a ball of energy- shaking her head/dancing/going from toy to toy/clapping/waving her arms around. I'm not kidding- she can do this for hours at night! She is also starting to be even more independent than usual- hard to imagine. She wants to feed herself with her spoon and doesn't want you to hold it at all. She points to what she wants to eat and pushes what she doesn't want off of her tray. She is pretty much 100% sippy cup now thank goodness! She loves to mimic us and then laughs when we mimic her back. She is still super observant- we can't get anything past that child- especially when we try to sneak a dessert :) She takes about the same amount of steps, but does them with a little more control and confidence. She now just starts walking to us on her own, rather than us encouraging her, but that is only when she wants something. Otherwise, she is fine to keep crawling or hold our hands.

She is getting even more fun with her little personality though I can tell she is going to be hard headed as can be!

I will try and take some updated pictures soon and need to video her with her new found energy- it is quite entertaining!

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