Aug 24, 2011

Daddy/Daughter Weekend

For those of you who follow the Cox Family Blog, you will probably realize that this is my (Nick) first visit to the Blogospherse. Laura spent the weekend at Bald Head on a Bachelorette Weekend. I thought it fitting that I update you all on the extremely fun and eventful weekend Camille and I had while Mommy was gone...though we did miss her terribly...
Camille and I started our weekend by inviting Maw Maw and Paw Paw up for a nice dinner at Tripps in Garner. I believe we had Camille's first fillet mignon!! After Tripps, we enjoyed the wonderful weather and a little ice cream at Goodberry's. You can tell from the pictures that Camille had a wonderful time with her Maw Maw and Paw Paw.

We started Saturday morning with a trip to Biscuitville for breakfast. I am pretty sure this will be a tradition for us when Mommy is away. On the way home, we passed a nice park and decided to pull over and enjoy the morning before it got too hot. After that, we hit up Pet Smart to check out the "animals" as Camille likes to say. When we left there, we thought why not hit up the library and do a little reading. I took in the Wall St Journal and Camille speed read about 300 books. It was pretty impressive. 
We then returned home for lunch and we both were in dire need of each. After lunch, Camille and I took off to Crabtree Valley Mall to sell a little gold...Trying to teach Camille early the art of negotiation. From there, we then took in a birthday party for one of Camille's older friends, Moses. It was at the Rainbow Room which is a sweet indoor playground, or multiple playgrounds actually. Camille and I climbed, swung, and went down the slide until we could go no more. Camille also put on a pizza eating display for the older kids...

We then returned home completely tuckered out. Camille went down in record time and I settled in to get some rest. Around 1:00 AM, however, Camille had another thing in mind. She began to cough excessively and was having trouble breathing. She became fully awake and I tried EVERYTHING to get her to go back to sleep...rocking, singing, rubbing. We went from the crib to the chair to the couch to finally the bed. She lied in the bed for the next two hours rotating between coughing, crying, talking, kicking, tapping, and finally fell asleep at around 3:30 or so. In between crying, she was in a good mood and said some funny things. At some point in the night, she said Daddy and I said yes, baby. Then she just said "Pizza". I guess she didn't get enough at the party.

So Sunday, Camille and I just rested and hung out at home patiently awaiting Mommy's return. She seemed to feel a lot let better on Sunday, but that was just the calm before the storm. Mommy finally returned around 3 and I am not sure if Camille or me was happier. But we took in a little Moe's for dinner and went through our normal Sunday night routine...UNTIL...

Camille was down about one hour before she really started having trouble breathing. By this point, we had figured out that she had gotten croup - thank you daycare. Once it got to the point that neither Camille or Laura and I could sleep, we got Camille up and proceeded to the bathroom for the homemade steam room to try and give her some relief. When that didn't help, we called the doctor and she called a prescription in to the closest 24 hour pharmacy - Fuquay. By the time I got home it was around 11:30. We gave Camille her meds, some juice, and some crackers and settled in to another night with Camille in the bed....please remember that we have only a queen and it is pretty tight with three especially when the third likes to roll, kick, snore, cough, and wheeze...poor thing...

So lots of fun and very little sleep concluded this installment of Daddy/Daughter Weekend. More on the Camille sickness saga to follow...


  1. Such a good daddy. :) Sounds like you had a great weekend together minus the croup. Hope she feels better soon!

  2. I've heard Camille is doing better. Hope she gets back to perfect health soon. Nick, what a special weekend for the two of you. You are writing the book on being a good, loving father. The pictures of Camille are sweet. Thanks for sharing. Love to all three of you. Pops
