Sep 15, 2011

Approaching 22 Months

Camille will be 22 months old in just 2 days. Time is passing so quickly! We have been out of blogland for a few days, as Camille got her first ear infection last week, coupled with a lingering stint of bronchitis. Yuck! And lucky Mommy seems to have caught a terrible cold from all those sick germs floating around. So we are a sick bunch and loaded with medicine! Camille seems to be almost 100% now, a week later.... off of the steroid and nebulizer... and now just the antibiotic, which luckily she calls "Bubble Gum" and thinks it tastes delicious!

The terrible two's are in full force at our house. Fortunately, her worst behavior comes out at home and not at school. She pushes her limits every single day and is saying no to pretty much any request you ask of her. She also is developing quite the little temper when she doesn't get her way. It is funny at times, but we have to try not to laugh and instead punish. When she doesn't get her way- which is most of the time- she immediately hits something and makes this mean face. She has learned from enough punishments not to hit us, but will go for anything else she can. Threats don't work at this point and she will immediately do what you asked her not to. We are averaging about one timeout each night- and more like 4 or 5 on the weekends when we have her all day. She walks herself to timeout and pouts, sometimes cries. She sits until we tell her she can come out, which is quickly followed by "sorry mama sorry dada" and a hug.

This was a picture Nick took which I found to be hilarious. She was acting up so terribly in the bathtub and pouring water onto the floor, so I quickly scooped her up and sent her to timeout. She was wet, covered in bubbles, and had her monkey towel on. I was praying she wouldn't go to the bathroom since we had no time for a diaper. I was more focused on the immediate consequence to her action. She sat so quietly and still... Nick and I were in the background laughing to ourselves. We call this "Monkey goes to timeout."

Camille is quite the entertainer these days. She is constantly singing, talking, and dancing. She loves attention and once she warms up to you, she will put on a show! She is also very into adult things. She loves to pretend to talk on the phone. Her play phone doesn't cut it anymore- she only wants to use our cell phones. She fights sitting in her high chair and carseat because she much rather sit where Mommy & Daddy sit. Here is an example.
Since the weather has been nice, we try to go on a walk every evening. She used to be content in her stroller. Now she just says "Millie Alk" to tell us that she wants to walk instead of ride in the stroller. We have to bribe her into the stroller so we can make a lap around the neighborhood before dark. She loves to point out "John's House" and then when she sees any dogs, she says "Come on doggie, come on." It is very cute. She is so observant and usually is spotting something long before we do. Her new thing is asking Nick to name every type of car we stroll past. Her favorite to repeat is "mustine" for mustang. She says it with such enthusiasm.

Camille continues to be an eating machine. Her favorite food right now is pizza. She asks for it for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Her next request is usually applesauce or bananas. She loves to tell you what she wants to eat. We only give in to her pizza request on busy nights, but when we do, she eats it like a big girl and eats every single bite and usually asks for more. Here is Camille endulging in her pizza dinner.

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