Nov 22, 2011

Two Year Old Checkup

Camille had her two year old checkup yesterday. The doctor was very happy with everything. She didn't go through a big growth spurt like last time, but is still moving up on her growth curve... so that is all that matters. She weighed 25.5 lbs, which puts her in the 30th percentile.... And she is 33inches tall, which is in the 45th percentile. They don't measure her head anymore, but I'm sure that would be pushing 100%! Her development is right on track, actually above average in every category! The doctor was very impressed with Camille's communication skills above all else.... I made sure to let her know that Camille could also count to ten and recite her ABC's... though Camille didn't want to put on a show at the time.

Camille had to get two shots at this visit. Hep A and the flu vaccine... She is big enough now to get the shots in her arms... poor girl... one in each! She told the nurse that gave the shots to "Go away!" I felt bad that she hurt the nurses feelings, but I'm sure she is used to that reaction. The nurse gave Camille a pinwheel again after her shots, but Camille wasn't interested. She pointed to the door and kept telling the nurse, "out, go away"... I couldn't help but laugh. She looked at me and said "Millie home." No subtle hints there. She was fine once she got back to school b/c she got to show her bandaids to her friends. She pointed to them and said "ouch!"

No more shots until she goes to kindergarden!!! (well, aside from the annual flu shot)

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