Oct 1, 2012

Green Acres is the place to be.....

It has become an annual tradition to visit the pumpkin patch at the start of fall. This will mark the second year going with The Gardners. Mary & Camille have so much fun together! This year, we opted for Green Acres Farm in Cary, a bit closer than the farm in Youngsville we visited last year. Thought not as big as Hillridge, it is certainly less crowded.

What a day we had! I don't know who had more fun, the adults or the kids.

As you can see here, Nick had fun milking Bessie... a pretend cow to teach kids (and adults) how to properly milk the cow. Camille wanted nothing to do with that activity and said it looked gross and scary.

The farm had several bounce houses which were a hit with the girls. One bounce house even had a barnyard theme.

There were also plenty of tractors and farm equipment for the kids to play on. The dads were quite impressed they would let kids play with such nice machinery.

Next stop, pony rides!! The girls loved picking out which pony they wanted to ride and then telling us they could do it by themselves :)

The farm is known for their complex corn mazes, so we thought we would give it a whirl..... Camille wanted to be the "line leader" for the track, but between 4 adults and 2 kids we couldn't make our ways to all 10 checkpoints. We made it to 4 or 5 of them and then the girls thought it was boring and we had to try and find our way out.

The coolest part to me was the mini train track, conductor and all! Camille LOVED riding the train. It went much faster than I thought it would. Camille was smiling ear to ear the whole time, but Mary wasn't sure what to think about it until the ride was over, then she decided she liked it.

We then ventured along to the spider web. Camille and Mary were both excited to attempt crawling on the web, but quickly decided it wasn't as fun as it looked and wanted out.
There was even a swing set on the farm- perfect for a quick break between all the activities.
There were some rather friendly goats too, but Camille said they were too stinky to pet.

Nick & Megan opted for the adult trail ride, a 30 min venture around the farm on horseback. Nick mentioned his horse has previously bucked someone off so he held extra tight to the reigns. Matt & I were left with the girls, but quickly found the sand pile to buy some time :)
What fall farm visit isn't complete without a hay ride? You will notice that Mary found the face painting area before our ride. Camille opted not to get her face painted. She explained to Mary that face painting gives you rashes on your face :) haha
The funniest part about the whole visit : we forgot to pick pumpkins! I guess that will be another adventure ahead... After all the playing, we were all hungry and ready for dinner.

Happy Fall!

1 comment:

  1. Wow! What a fun day you all had. Thanks for sharing.
