Apr 3, 2013

Easter 2013

Happy Easter 2013 from The Cox family! 

We had a wonderful Easter, despite the cooler temperatures. I guess I need to learn to not buy Camille's Easter dresses too far in advance, as I always think Easter will be warmer than it actually is. Luckily, I had a backup dress for the cooler weather, thanks to Mimi. The only thing I couldn't budge on were the Easter shoes that Camille had picked out a week prior. She wanted "sparkly" shoes, as always. I told her that as long as she picked something white, she could pick out any pair she wanted. I should have known she would go for the strappy, wedge heel, bejeweled sandals! Not only did she insist on wearing them out of the store, and to Moe's for dinner, she counted down to wearing them on Easter Sunday even if it was a bit cold outside. She told me, "Look Mom, now I have heels like you!" My little girly girl! 

What a fun Easter we had..... despite not celebrating the Easter bunny, for similar reasons to why we don't do Santa at our house. Instead, we have worked hard to communicate to Camille as to why we celebrate Easter. She actually grasped much more than I thought a 3yr old would! I think it is helpful that the message is reinforced at her school too. Mrs. Brenda did a great job of telling the Easter story to the kids, on a toddler level. 

Just because we don't do the Easter Bunny, doesn't mean we don't have fun celebrating Easter and Christ's resurrection. While Daddy was hard at work inside, I let Camille dye eggs outdoors on our only warm day of the weekend. Camille loved dying the eggs, though she quickly let me know that she liked the pink and purple colors best. After we dyed them, we decorated them with stickers of lambs, crosses, churches, etc, all while talking about the Easter story. Here is the little bunny waiting for her eggs to dry.

We also attempted to make Resurrection cookies, but mommy didn't read the instructions too well. At least Camille enjoyed hearing the Easter story again as we made them:) We ended up reverting to make carrot cake cupcakes and cream cheese frosting from scratch instead! Yum!

We spent Easter Sunday in Sanford. Camille enjoyed going to Mimi's church. She was thrilled to go eat lunch at Mimi's house after church because not only did she get to eat a special lunch with Mimi, but her PawPaw, MawMaw , and Grandpa Bill came too! Camille was in heaven with all that extra attention.

Camille even got to do a third egg hunt! Since the temperatures were cooler outside, we hid the eggs inside, which Camille seemed to enjoy. She had some hilarious reactions to opening her eggs.

Needless to say Camille was tuckered out after such a busy weekend. (Mommy and Daddy were too!)

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