Jul 6, 2009

First Stranger Comment

For all of those asking about my baby bump, you may appreciate this! Up until this weekend I was assuming the bump was just enough to make me look chubby, but not pregnant.....

I was standing in line for the bathroom at the Durham Bulls game on Friday and a lady tapped me on the shoulder and asked me with a smile, "When is your due date?" I was so thrown off by her question, as it was a first for me.... so I just stared at her. After some time I then looked down and remembered that I was in fact expecting and replied "end of December." She just smiled and said "This is the first one, isn't it?" I let her know that it was, but continued to be confused since I couldn't decide if she was too nosey or if this is something I am going to have to get used to. :)

Amazing how much can change in two weeks since my last belly picture post!


  1. You are so tiny that that baby can only go outwards! How fun!

  2. The boy is gonna grow big therefore he must start early...that is right! it is going to be a boy, mark my words.

  3. Sadly, you will probably get many more unsolicited and invasive questions, comments and advice. I actually had a lady state (not ask) "you're having two babies". And another lady asked if I was due like tomorrow when I still had 3 months to go. :(
