Nov 17, 2009

34 Week Checkup & Lots of Changes

It has been an interesting turn of events as of yesterday. I have been experiencing Braxton Hicks contractions for about a week or so now, but they began to get painful and more consistent on Monday afternoon. I figured this was all still normal, though I wasn't enjoying the discomfort. Nick and I decided that we needed to play it safe and go see the doctor just to make sure all this was normal.

They treated my visit like a normal checkup since my appointment was already scheduled for later in the week. I had only gained half a pound, but my blood pressure and everything else checked out fine. Camille's heartbeat was great and the nurses seemed to think things were fine, but they wanted the doctor to do an exam just to double check since my symptoms were a bit odd for someone at 34 weeks.

After taking a quick look, both through ultrasound and manually, the doctor said that I needed to come have a "pow wow" with him. I knew that that meant something had changed. Turns out that I am 70% effaced and 2cm dialated! Talk about shock! The doctor didn't seem completely worried, but said that I needed to go on immediate bed rest to try and buy some time for us. He said that Camille has developed enough to be delivered, but they just want to drag it out as long as they can since 37 weeks is full term. He was certain that she wouldn't be staying put for more than 3 weeks.... but that she could debut as early as this week! Again, complete shock!

I have been put on some medication to help relax the uterus and slow down the labor, but he said it is a 50/50 shot as to whether this will work at this point. He said just to relax, stay put as much as I could.... I can still work.... but just via email at home. He said my main focus needs to be relaxation and mentally preparing for an early arrival! She is still VERY breech, so a c-section is certain at this point. They don't want to schedule anything, since at this point, all we can do is listen to my body and see how the clock will work with us.

I am going back to the doctor on Thursday if nothing progresses further b/w now and then.

Nick has been amazing thus far.... making sure I don't lift a finger if I don't have to :) He is being so supportive and jumping in to take over some of my to-do's that we need to hurry and take care of before our little girl comes (installing the carseat, packing for the hospital, etc).....

Please continue to pray for a healthy baby!

Guess its on to Plan C :)

1 comment:

  1. So glad Camille is here safely, and that both mama and baby are doing well! Praise the Lord!
