Mar 14, 2011

The joys of parenthood.....or should I say, the trials.... :)

Camille has been quite the little trouble maker for the past week or so. I know those of you that don't get to see her too often are thinking I'm crazy for suggesting that...... but I think the terrible 2's have struck early!! Don't get me wrong- Camille still has a very sweet personality- loving to hug & cuddle most anytime. However, she is very strong willed already and loves to "test" the boundaries. Usually, this behavior is reserved for just mommy & daddy, but occasionally she will give a sneak peek to others.

These pictures are from dinner this week. And this wasn't a one time occurrence. This was pretty much a regular thing, which led to earlier bath times. These pictures were taken with my phone, so hopefully they are clear enough to give you an idea of what we were seeing :)
She is Miss Independent and doesn't want us to feed her, yet she refuses to use any utensils yet. Therefore, this is what we end up with. She pouts if we aren't feeding her what she really wants (bananas or bread). So she does eat whatever is in front of her, but not without a fight. She loves to rub her food in her hair, on her face, and the walls. When we tell her not to throw, she does what I call her peace offering. See below.

That is, then you eat it or I'll continue to throw it. Boy oh boy.
She also loves to continue to do things, especially after hearing the word "no." Its actually more fun for her if she knows she isn't supposed to be doing it.

We did find a break in the madness this weekend when the weather was nice enough for us finally to put her princess car together. It was a Christmas gift from Dad & family, but we haven't been able to break it in yet. Well, we finally needed a distraction- and thankfully, Camille loves it!

She also got her first big girl haircut this weekend. She didn't actually need it too bad, I've been able to maintain it myself up until this point. I just needed it trimmed all around to help tame some of the curls and length. She wasn't a fan of sitting still, though she did a fairly good job. She kept trying to grab the scissors as the stylist cut, so luckily she still has all ten fingers and doesn't have a bad hair job! She looks like such a big girl now and her curls are higher with the shorter hair- very cute!

Camille also graduated to the big girl carseat facing forward today. She wasn't sure what to think at first, but once we got going, she loved every minute. She enjoys being able to see out of the window and she mommy too. Time is flying by!!

1 comment:

  1. The good news is she's probably only going through a phase. I distinctly remember a week (Bryce was probably about 15 months) when I was so frustrated with his behavior I was seriously tempted to tell my mom he was on the bus to Grandma's! And I'm really only half kidding about that. Hang in there! Hopefully it won't last long. :)
