Apr 9, 2011

When it rains, it pours..... literally!

So, I am almost a week into my recovery. I had a doctor's appointment yesterday with went very well. They removed all of the bandages- I felt like it was the revealing of Frankenstein! My knee didn't look as bad as I had expected. Very little blood and only 3 incisions that were very clean and small- pretty cool for having a drill put 2 screws in your knee! I did have a small freak out moment when I thought my knee cap was gone. There was a fair amount of swelling still which made my knee area inflammed and flat looking- no outline of a knee cap- so just to make sure I asked the doc if my knee cap was still in tact. He laughed and said that things were just swollen and it will look more normal soon. He actually thought the swelling was better than expected even though I was thinking it wasn't. Can't imagine what my doctor sees on a regular basis. I do still have to wear a compression stocking under my brace, but at least I have a little more freedom there. The doctor felt like in another week, I could probably be off crutches and just stick to the brace for another 4-5 weeks. Here's hoping for a speedy recovery.

After my doctor's appointment, I had my first physical therapy appointment post op. It was not fun. For starters, I had to see a different PT than my normal one since I was already at the Raleigh location. I liked the guy I saw, but still prefer Gina the best. I will start back with her next week. Well, we did a lot of measurements of where I am and where I need to be kind of thing- basically comparing the left knee to the right. Let's just say there is a long road to go. I was frustrated with how much I had lost in a week- both flexion and strength. So all my exercises were very basic, but now challenging and left me very sore. I did learn a better way to get up and down the stairs.... the going down on my butt method was getting old and didn't seem professional for when I return to work on Monday :) So I was in a ton of pain last night just from all the work that day- lots of icing was needed. However, I do feel better today. I have some at home exercises to do in between my twice a week PT appointments. Not a fan of any of them as they are so hard, but I know its baby steps to get me to where I need & want to be.

Camille's demeanor did seem better today now that I am at least somewhat mobile. She wasn't liking having a mom that did everything from a couch or bed. She slept great last night and has been in a great mood today, so I think she senses that things are slowly getting back to some normalcy. She dislikes the crutches big time. She won't come near them and when she does, she hits them out of the way. She knows that when I use them, it means I can't pick her up. She does like the brace though. It has some intriguing buttons and locks that she enjoys trying to master. She is cute when she points to my leg and says "boo boo." Yep, that is one big boo boo I have, but I think she is starting to somewhat understand that is why mommy can't do the things she normally does.

Well, to get back to the title of my blog... when it rains, it pours.... After a painful day yesterday, Nick & I were awoken at 11pm last night by a loud banging at the door. I panic thinking it was John or our neighbor and something was wrong. As Nick ran down, I could only listen from the bed (what a help I would have been if it were a robber.) It was a police officer- all I could hear was him asking if he was Matthew Cox.... I was thinking to myself- Is Nick about to get arrested? I mean, I know he has that outstanding ticket for running a red light, but that case keeps getting continued to a further date...... So luckily, he didn't get arrested and came back upstairs. Well, he had the weirdest look on his face. He said our condo is flooded and I need to call the officer on duty. WHAT!!??? I then started to think of the plumbing job that John & Nick did there recently...I was going oh no- they flooded our place!!!! Well, wrong again. Nick was on the phone with the officer and all I could hear was his side of the conversation.... which left me more confused and is suspense. I heard him say words like entire unit and shot. I'm thinking "oh my, was there criminal activity?" Wrong again. Nick finally got off the phone and said that the guy that lives in the 3rd floor unit above our 2nd floor unit, was cleaning or messing with his gun and he accidentally shot the sprinkler system. It went crazy and started pouring water which ended up going through our ceiling and floor and down to the 1st floor unit. Oh joy.... It was also storming last night, which didn't help the cause. So yes, when it rains, it pours, at least in our new sky light condo. Nick had to go over there and talk to the officer and the HOA, and the sprinkler crew that were onsite stopping the water. Well, we did get word that the ceiling, floors, walls, light fixtures, etc all are ruined and need to be replaced. Lucky us. The good news is that insurance will cover all that and our 10yr old condo is going to get a face lift for free. The bad news is that we have a group of renters moving in on May 1st.... not sure that is going to happen. Depends how quickly the insurance folks can sort things out. So- that was our night last night. Imagine the looks on our faces when we had to figure out who to call and what to do when your condo floods... and 2nd floor unit at that, and nothing in your control, but caused by our responsible condo owner above us. Whooo weee.... what a story! Hope some folks get a laugh out of that one! I will once I hear that insurance has settled and getting started with repairs.

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