May 17, 2011

18 Months Old!

I know I keep saying this every month.... but time is flying!! It is so hard to believe that Camille is 1.5yrs old! While I feel like she is still my little baby, she is growing so much and showing so many signs of being a big girl. Her most recent discovery is "up" and "down." We think she learned that from "the people on the bus go up and down..." She physically goes up and down as she says the words, but "up" is also her word when she wants you to pick her up. She is doing a lot more repeating of what we say. On the way to school this morning she repeated "school," "bus," and "window" to me. I admit, I was very impressed :)

Camille has definitely gone through a growth spurt this month- which was confirmed at her doctor's appointment today. She weighs 23lb 2oz (33rd percentile). Her biggest jump was in height. She measured at 31.5 inches (50th percentile). Her head has remains large at 18 3/4 inches (80th percentile). We of course attribute that to all her brain power. Camille did great at the doctor. She had to get her finger pricked to check her iron levels, etc.... They like to see the # between 11 and 13... She was a 12- so perfect! That is a sign that she is a good, healthy eater. She did have to get one shot- the Hepatitis A. She did cry, but not for long because the nurse brought her a pinwheel to play with. The pinwheel quickly took her mind off the shot even though Camille then decided to rip the pinwheel apart- oh well.... maybe I will suggest sticking to the sticker treat next time.

I took this picture in the doctor's office while we were waiting for the doctor to come back in. Camille loved being naked, but didn't want me to take her shoes off! She is a girly girl and can't stand to get too dirty on the floor which satisfies mommy just fine!

Camille continues to love school. Her teachers always rave about her sweet demeanor, and her love of music. They say that Camille is never too tired to dance and sing and is quite the classroom entertainer. We did take her to see her cousin Emily's dance recital this past weekend. Camille was VERY into it! She sat very still for the first few dances and just watched in awe. The more peppy songs would cause her to sway & clap in her seat. She did get bored during the real slow songs, but she still focused on the dances. Guess that means we will be signing her up for dance in a few years!

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