Sep 11, 2009

Diagnosis: Preggo Brain

This post is inspired by Julia, who along with others, find my recent "preggo brain" symptoms quite amusing. For those of you who aren't aware of this so-called "preggo brain," it gives mothers to be brief moments of forgetfulness or even downright stupidity. Well I think Camille is borrowing some of my brain while hers is developing- that is the only explanation I can think of :)

A few examples:
I was finalizing some proposals at work and began to file their customer folder away, when all of a sudden, I could not for the life of me remember the order of the alphabet! I was trying to file "T" before "O" and was trying to sing the alphabet (embarrasing enough) to help but to no avail!

Today, I was running out the door to an appointment, got in the car, and realized that I didn't have my cell phone (which was in my hand a few minutes earlier). I went back into the office and suddenly couldn't remember what I came back to look for. I went back to my car, sat for a moment, and remembered it was my cell phone I was missing. I went back into the office and retraced my steps in hopes to quickly find it. I was giving the whole admin staff a laugh as they pointed me to the mailroom. I had somehow put my phone into my mailbox instead of papers and walked away.

Lastly, and probably worst of all, and not to worry my parents, I had a slight incident with my car. I was leaving for Greensboro for work and had even pre-programmed my GPS with the directions while I was still at the house since Nick always tells me not to touch my GPS while I am driving. I was so careful not to pull out of the driveway until it was set to go. I remember backing up and pulling into the street... next thing I know, I have run into our neighbor's mailbox. Well, the mailbox post needed replacing and my car needed some TLC, but what I was most embarrased by was the fact that I couldn't relay to my neighbor how I had ended up into her mailbox.... I have no recollection. Our neighbor was very nice about it and still gets a laugh out of it when she reminds me.

Amensia you say? Nope... apparantly all part of the enfamous "preggo brain."

1 comment:

  1. Ah yes, I remember this disorder well although I can't recall any amusing stories (although I'm pretty sure my keys ended up in the fridge once) because I now suffer from "mommy brain". Yup, sadly it doesn't get better after the baby is born.
