Oct 22, 2009

30 Week Check Up

Had my 30wk checkup this morning with Dr. Creighton. I had gained another 3lbs and had great readings for blood pressure, etc. My iron count had even gone up a fair amount, so no need for any supplements thus far! (all that peanut butter must have done the trick) I also got my 2nd Rhogam shot. Ouch! It brought back memories from the 1st one... not pleasant!

As I was waiting to see the doctor, a woman came in crying and had the most miserable look on her face. Turns out she was due any day and this was going to be the day. She could barely walk. They ended up wheeling her next door for labor admission. The woman was moaning as she walked by and of course I get put in the room next to her..... so all I hear is her painful cries! I hear the doctor say "You're 4 cm dialated- let's send you on in for delivery." She started crying more and her poor husband looked almost as miserable as she did. All my hormones then took over and I started crying. Dr. Creighton wondered if I was in pain.... nope, just scared out of my mind from being next to that poor woman!! Dr. Creighton told me that the woman was well on her way for delivery and would be receiving an epidural within minutes and that everything was fine. Easy for her to say- she isn't about to pop a child out in less than 10 weeks!! Yikes!!

Dr. Creighton said I was measuring on track for end of December. The heartbeat was great! She did notice that little Camille is very breech. That alien like lopsidedness to my belly is Camille's head showing that she isn't ready to move downward yet. I have a few exercises to do over the next few weeks to "encourage" her to make her way down. I will have an ultrasound at 34wks to see the progress she has made. Dr. Creighton did try some "aversion" which is where they manually try and move the baby downward. That felt very uncomfortable to me! Camille reacted well and moved, but then came right back within minutes! She is already a strong willed child! A combination of the exercises and "aversion" will be used over the next few weeks until the ultrasound. If Camille hasn't moved downward by that point, they will start discussing alternatives like accupuncture because breech babies are only delivered via c-section these days. I am going to try and avoid that if possible, but the plans of Camille and God may be different. More to come in the next few weeks on that front......

My next appointment is Nov 5th.

1 comment:

  1. Glad to hear that all is well with you and Camille! I'm sure she'll flip soon... my doctor wasn't worried about the baby's position until 36 weeks or so. Just keep doing your excercises.

    And try not to worry about the delivery. You'll do great! If it makes you feel better I didn't need to cry at any point during labor or delivery (not until I held my little guy for the first time). Just tell them if you need the drugs cranked up. :)
