Oct 9, 2009

28 week checkup- I Passed!!

Nick and I appreciate all the thoughts and prayers this week as I anxiously awaited the 28 week glucose test :( This is to test for gestantial diabetes, as well as some others things like iron and syphillus (state mandatory- go figure!). The test requires you to stay away from sugars the night before and the day of- much harder than I thought! At the doctor's office, you drink a sugar solution and then wait for one hour and then they draw your blood and can tell you then & there if you are borderline diabetic. I was so nervous about this test for some reason... maybe the thought of having to alter my diet while pregnant is what did it :)

Well, I passed with flying colors! And I have to admit, the orange drink tasted like a flat Sunkist, so I didn't mind gulping it down. I did feel a little nauseous afterware because you have only a few minutes to drink it all. And have I mentioned how much I hate having my blood drawn??!! It all ended up being fine, glucose levels were great, my iron was a bit low, so I have to start being more aware of getting that into my diet- (here i come peanut butter!)

Camille's heartbeat was just as strong during this visit at 153bpm and my blood pressure was good. I had gained another 4lbs which suprised me b/c I didn't feel THAT much bigger than the last visit. Oh well.... all in all a successful appointment with Dr. Woodruff.

Now that I am in my last trimester (very hard to believe), I start going to the doctor every 2 weeks instead of every 4. So my next appointment will be at 30weeks.

Counting down for Camille's arrival :)

1 comment:

  1. Great news, Sweetheart!

    You'll need to take belly pics every 2 weeks to keep me updated with Camille's growth.

    Love you,

