Oct 15, 2009

Another funny moment...(provided by the neighborhood kids!)

I know how much you all appreciate the funny belly stories... so I felt like I would post my most recent funny moment.

On Tuesday night, I was home alone and decided to use my time wisely and go for a walk in the neighborhood, especially given it was the last day of warm temperatures! I was walking at my normal "waddle" pace and got to my favorite col-de-sac on the other end of the neighborhood. I particularly like this area, b/c there is a precious little boy (prob age 7) that always rides his bike alongside me as I walk his circle. Well this night he happened to have a little girl friend with him that also lived in the neighborhood. Now keep in mind that it has been awhile since I have been seen walking :) Laziness set in early with this pregnancy! Well I came walking up and was given the stare down by both children.... The little boy started to ride beside me as he always does, but you could tell he had a question he needed to ask. He said "Do you have a baby in your belly?" I replied, "Yes, its a little girl!" His eyes got big and he said "Should you be walking?" The little girl followed with her own opinion. "You are walking to try and get it to come out, aren't you?" I laughed and told them that I was walking for exercise and have hopes that the baby stays put until late December! They both looked at me as if I was crazy! The little girl preceded to tell me which house she lived in, in case I needed her while I was walking, in case the baby came. The little boy followed up with, "My mommy has a belly like yours, but she isn't pregnant."
Wow, gotta love the honesty! They both urged me to walk home fast so the baby didn't "slip out too soon."

1 comment:

  1. Laura, you have the BEST belly stories! One day ya'll will have the best laughs sharing these stories with Camille :)
