May 24, 2013

3rd Annual Strawberry Picking

Hard to believe that we got to experience our 3rd year of strawberry picking with The Craig's. What a fun tradition we have been able to keep up. These girls have grown up so much!

The frequent rain this month tried to interfere with our plans, but that didn't stop us! It sprinkled for the first part of our picking, but then turned into a beautiful sunny day by the end.

Maddie and Camille knew the drill..... they grabbed their buckets and were ready to go, matching flip flops and all! They were great helpers this year. They knew to look for the bright red ones, though they still liked having help with the picking.

Daddy/Daughter shot! Childhood friends all around!

Now time for the girls!! Notice our addition this year..... Morgan wanted in on the action too!

Of course the picking process wouldn't be complete without a little sampling :)

So sweet!! After their buckets were full, the girls quickly had their mind set on getting icecream. They dropped the buckets, grabbed each others hands, and headed to the icecream shop! They had it all worked out in their minds!

When we saw them holding hands, we quickly stopped them for a photo op!

Time for icecream! They both chose strawberry, in a cone of course! They were quite sticky by the end. 

I can't believe how much they've changed.....

1 comment:

  1. AnonymousMay 24, 2013

    Yes, how the girls have grown! Longer hairdos & legs!
